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Transactional Mail

Did you know that to be compliant with current global regulations, companies should provide customer communications in the requested format, whether it’s braille, large print, audio, or accessible PDF? 

Pia can take the stress away of using time consuming and expensive manual processes when processing static transactional and variable content transactional documents, such as utility bills, phone bills, bank statements and credit letters. 

We are experts in processing your accessible format requirements as part of a production workflow by converting standard input formats to large print and other formats. 

This has several advantages over manually converting standard mail into accessible formats: 
- faster turnaround 
- printing and delivery of business-critical documents within 36 hours 
- lowering production costs, with reduced cost per page reliable and fast transcription 

Pia is pushing the boundaries of what accessible format transactional document printing can achieve!

Easy Read

Easy Read is an alternative format made up of words and pictures, which is designed to make information more accessible for people with learning disabilities. Easy Read can also be useful for people with memory problems or for those whose first language is not English.  

To see an example of an Easy Read document, click here. To ensure its suitability, each Easy Read document is reviewed by people with a learning disability before the document is approved. This means that transcribing to Easy Read generally takes longer than transcribing in to other alternative formats.  

If you would like more information about our easy read services or a quotation please contact us.

British Sign Language (BSL)

For documents available online, you may need to consider adding a BSL interpretation. BSL is now an official language in the UK. Although it is based on English, there are a significant number of differences in the way a phrase or sentence might be expressed in BSL. For this reason, it is considered different enough to be considered a separate language. Pia can ensure you're reaching as wide an audience as possible by providing a BSL video to accompany important documents on your website.

For more information about the full range of accessible formats Pia offers please contact us.

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