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Be Clear on Cancer - Blood in Pee

The NHS recently started a ‘Be Clear on Cancer – Blood in Pee’ campaign to increase awareness on Bladder and Kidney cancers. As part of this campaign, a leaflet was produced and the team here at Pia had the pleasure of producing the Large Print, Braille and Audio versions.

Getting information to patients in a format that they can access plays a huge role in them understanding the importance of discussing any symptoms that are out of the ordinary with their GP.

Pia will transcribe your documents and ensure that they are of the best possible quality for the end user, whilst ensuring that the message from the material remains clear.

Pia can transcribe text from any book, brochure or booklet and print it in braille on acetate, insert it in between the standard pages and finish with wire binding. If you have a need for this service, please get in touch via